In Memory of Mark Crafts

Our friend, supporter and advocate, Mark Crafts, passed away last week.
Mark was introduced to us in 2017 after being diagnosed with cancer. Since then, Mark remained a steadfast supporter in advancing Conquer Cancer's mission and leading many efforts to help raise funds for cancer research and vital programs.
Mark rallied colleagues, friends, and family to fundraise for an endowed Conquer Cancer merit award aimed at helping the next generation of oncologists find new treatments and cures for cancer. He did this creatively—through cycling events with a group of supporters called “Team Crafty.”
With the goal of educating and inspiring others, Mark volunteered to share his experience climbing “Cancer Mountain”. He spent much of his Cancer Mountain climb on a bike; he pedaled nearly 5,000 miles since starting treatment. He gave his time to help advance Conquer Cancer’s mission and his perseverance, resilience and generosity are captured in this story.
Mark was a guest on the Your Stories podcast, where he spoke with host Dr. Mark Lewis about surviving stage IV colorectal cancer and shared how Team Crafty kept him rolling towards the next research breakthrough.
Mark was a true partner and leading voice of our community.
We are grateful to have crossed paths with Mark and appreciate all he and his family have done in support of Conquer Cancer and patients everywhere. We will continue to climb Cancer Mountain in honor of Mark, who said: “I need to look over my shoulder and help anybody behind me who’s climbing up this trail, any way that I can.”