Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Tax Related Questions
Is Conquer Cancer a tax-exempt organization?
The Conquer Cancer Foundation of the American Society of Clinical Oncology is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
What is Conquer Cancer’s federal tax ID number?
Our Federal Tax ID number (also known as an EIN, Employer Identification Number) is 31-1667995.
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Yes, all donations to Conquer Cancer are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, as long as no goods or services were exchanged. You will receive an email confirmation immediately after submitting your donation, and this email can serve as a receipt for tax purposes.
Donation Questions
What methods of payment does Conquer Cancer accept?
You can donate to Conquer Cancer through our website using the following payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, Apple Pay, Venmo, and Donor-Advised Fund.
For online donations, a printable receipt is sent via email within minutes of a successful transaction.
Can I donate over the phone or by mail?
You can make a donation over the phone Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ET. To do so, please call 571-483-1700 and our team will be happy to assist you. Please note the office is closed on federal holidays.
You can send a personal check or money order payable to:
Conquer Cancer
PO BOX 1925
MERRIFIELD, VA 22116-9649
We do not advise sending cash through the mail, as funds can be lost in transit.
Receipts for mail or phone donations are typically sent within 48 hours of receipt of your gift.
How can I request a copy of my donation receipt?
Please send an email to with your first and last name. You can also call 571-483-1700 to request a copy of your receipt.
I live outside of the United States. Can I donate to Conquer Cancer?
Donors from outside the U.S. can make a gift. If making an online gift, please make sure the credit card is supported by a U.S. based card company or pay via the PayPal option. Our online donation system is designed to protect donor security and privacy, and prevent fraudulent use. If you would like to make a wire transfer gift, please contact us at 571-483-1700.
Is my donation secure?
Your security is important to us, and we take every measure to ensure your information is protected. Conquer Cancer’s donation process complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). The process is fully encrypted using industry best practices to ensure your personal and credit card information is kept private and secure.
Can I make a donation anonymously?
You cannot make your donation anonymously if donating online. If you are donating by other means, please indicate on your donation that you would. Please note that Conquer Cancer will keep a record of your name and information associated with your gift in a secure database for payment processing purposes. Conquer Cancer will only use it for the purposes of communicating with you directly.
Can I make a donation without being added to Conquer Cancer’s email or mailing list?
While we need your contact information to process a credit card donation, we will honor your request to not contact you, other than to send you a tax receipt for your donation.
If you do not want to receive communication from Conquer Cancer:
- If you receive an email from Conquer Cancer, click “unsubscribe” from the bottom of the email.
- At any time, you can email or call 571-483-1700, and we will remove you from our mailing list.
I’m an individual donor to Conquer Cancer. Where can I find my name listed as a donor?
Your trust and confidence are important to us. In an effort to provide the utmost protection for our donors’ privacy, Conquer Cancer does not list names of individual donors and the names of individuals honored or remembered by our generous donors on our website. If you have any questions, please email or call 571-483-1700.
How will my donation be used?
Your donation will help improve the lives of people affected by cancer by funding breakthrough research worldwide, supporting education and training for cancer professionals and sharing cutting-edge cancer knowledge with patients and their families. If you are interested in designating your gift to a specific program or type of cancer research, please call us at 571-483-1700.
What is the breakdown of how you spend your money?
The latest financial information is found on the Conquer Cancer website here. As proof that Conquer Cancer is meeting the highest standards for efficiency, transparency, and fiscal responsibility, we have a four-star rating from Charity Navigator and a Platinum Seal of Transparency from Guidestar (Candid).
Monthly Giving Questions
Can I make monthly, automatic donations to Conquer Cancer?
Yes. You can join our exclusive sustaining society, the Conquerors Community. Monthly giving is an efficient and effective way to help conquer cancer every month of the year. Monthly gifts to Conquer Cancer are processed automatically, which helps to reduce costs and allows your donation to have the greatest possible impact in advancing the prevention, treatment, and cure of cancer.
- Use our safe and secure online form to join the Conquerors Community
- Talk with someone about a monthly donation, please call 571-483-1700 and ask to speak with a member of our Annual Giving team
I signed up to make monthly donations to Conquer Cancer. When will my donation be taken out?
When you make your initial monthly gift, the amount will be deducted at that time and on that same day monthly thereafter. If you would like to change the date of your future gifts, please call 571-483-1700.
Is there a minimum gift I have to make to become a monthly donor?
We appreciate all size gifts; however, to offset transaction costs we request a minimum $5 monthly commitment.
I made a mistake! Can I cancel my gift before I get charged for future monthly donations?
Yes, please call 571-483-1700, and we will adjust your gift from monthly to one-time.
How do I update or cancel my monthly donor information?
You can cancel or modify or cancel your monthly donation at any time. If you would like to make a change to your monthly donation or update your personal information, click here to do it online or call 571-483-1700 or email
How can I obtain a refund for my donation or purchase?
Conquer Cancer is able to refund your donation in full or in part, within thirty days of your donation. To do so, please forward the email confirmation you received to We will issue a refund using your original method of payment and notify you when the refund has been processed. We appreciate your commitment to conquering cancer and hope you'll continue to support Conquer Cancer in the future.
Memorial Giving Questions
How do I make a donation in honor or memory of someone?
A tribute is one of the most meaningful gifts you can give - a gift to help fund cancer research and programs. On the donation form, simply complete the information in the prompted section.
Is the family notified of my donation amount?
You can choose from an eCard or a mailed acknowledgement of your donation to the honoree or family acknowledging your gift. The amount of money donated through memorial or honor donations is kept confidential.
Planned Giving Questions
What assets can I use to make a gift to Conquer Cancer?
If you would like to extend your support of Conquer Cancer to make a lasting impact, there are several gift arrangements to choose from such as gifts tied to your estate, life income gifts, a charitable lead trust, and naming Conquer Cancer as a beneficiary of your retirement or insurance plan. Answer a few simple questions and we'll point you down the right path. Also, please consult your financial advisor to determine the right option for you.
For inquiries regarding your planned gift, call 571-483-1700 or email and ask to be connected to our Planned Giving team.
Can I donate stock to Conquer Cancer?
Yes. Publicly traded securities can be transferred electronically to Conquer Cancer in two easy steps:
- Please contact Conquer Cancer at 571-483-1700 and provide the following:
Your name:
The name of the stock and the number of shares to be transferred
The name and contact information of your brokerage firm
The purpose of your gift*
*This step is essential for us to identify your stock when it arrives, credit your giving record, and properly acknowledge your generosity.
- Please give your broker/agent the following information so that your shares may be directly transferred into our account:
DTC Number: 0062
Brokerage account name: Conquer Cancer Foundation of the American Society of Clinical Oncology
Brokerage number: 63720384
Indicate Donor Name, Cost Basis Information
Other Donation Questions
Do you accept donations from companies and nonprofits?
Conquer Cancer is proud to work with all our generous donors which includes corporations, non-profits and individuals. Please refer to our Support Opportunities. To learn more, please call 571-483-1700 or email
May I fundraise for Conquer Cancer? How?
Yes! You can create your own fundraiser or join a team to help conquer cancer in honor or in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a milestone event.
You can also host an event to fundraise on behalf of Conquer Cancer. To learn more, please call 571-483-1700 or email
Do you provide financial assistance?
Conquer Cancer does not provide direct financial assistance to patients.
Do you accept donations of human hair to be made into wigs for patients with cancer?
Conquer Cancer does not accept this type of donation.
How can I apply for a job with Conquer Cancer?
Conquer Cancer is the philanthropic arm of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). To view current job openings, please visit the Careers at ASCO page on ASCO’s website.
What are my rights as a donor?
Conquer Cancer subscribes to the Donor Bill of Rights, which was created by the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-Profits.
Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To ensure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the nonprofit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these rights:
I. To be informed of the organization's mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
II. To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization's governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
III. To have access to the organization's most recent financial statements.
IV. To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
V. To receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition.
VI. To be assured that information about their donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
VII. To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
VIII. To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
IX. To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.
X. To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
Last updated 6.5.2024