The Your Stories Podcast
Hear candid conversations between people conquering cancer – patients, their family and friends, and doctors and researchers working to help us all.
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Everyone impacted by cancer has a story. Hearing the experiences of others can shed light on some of the emotions you or a loved one may be feeling as you conquer cancer.
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Brenda Brody
Brenda Brody is a 30-year leader in experiential marketing and serves as senior vice president of strategy and account services at PineRock, Inc. Ms. Brody received the national business honor as a JWI (Jewish Women’s International) and was the 2019 list of “Women to Watch”. She has led teams to win multiple industry awards, including the Tellys, The Communicator, and several international film and video awards. Ms. Brody has worked with numerous United States presidents and international stars of stage and screen, including John Legend, Maya Angelou and Oprah Winfrey.
Ms. Brody is a dedicated volunteer for the arts and has served as a board member of Imagination Stage and the National Arts and Letters Society, and as vice chair of the Hollywood Florida Art and Culture Center. Using her personal experience with breast cancer, Ms. Brody mentors other women and their families. She is passionate about fundraising for cancer research and co-chairs an annual Washington, DC- area Women Who Conquer Cancer event. She was the opening speaker for the Global Partners Conference for Susan G. Komen and the Judith A. Lese Breast Cancer Foundation. Ms. Brody received a B.S. in Business Administration and an M.A. in Arts Management and Theater from American University.

Mark A. Lewis, MD
Dr. Mark A. Lewis is the director of gastrointestinal oncology at Intermountain Healthcare. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation, as vice president of American Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Support, and as co-chair of the communications committee for the North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society.
Dr. Lewis received his medical degree, completed his internal medicine residency, and served as chief resident at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. After completing a hematology/oncology fellowship at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, where he served as chief fellow, he returned to Houston where he worked at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center with a dual appointment in general and gastrointestinal medical oncology. Find Dr. Lewis on Twitter.

Don Dizon, MD, FACP
Dr. Don Dizon is a professor of medicine at Brown University and a medical oncologist with research interests in novel therapies of breast and pelvic cancers, like ovarian, uterine and cervical cancer survivorship, particularly as it pertains to sexual health. He is the director of the Breast and Pelvic Malignancies Program at Lifespan Cancer Institute and director of Medical Oncology at Rhode Island Hospital. Additionally, he is the chair of digital engagement for SWOG Oncology Research Network, co-chief medical officer at the Global Cancer Institute, and serves on the board of The Hope Foundation and Young Survival Coalition.
Dr. Dizon is a prolific author and writes columns for multiple sites, including ASCO Connection, The Oncologist, and Medscape. An avid social media user, Dr. Dizon can be found on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok as @drdonsdizon.