
Conquer Cancer’s EveryGrant® Collaborates with Pfizer and ASCO’s Asia Pacific Regional Council on Grants to Improve Metastatic Breast Cancer Patient Outcomes in Southeast Asia

Members of ASCO’s Asia Pacific Regional Council

Members of ASCO’s Asia Pacific Regional Council

Asia Pacific Regional Council inquiries: Contact
Conquer Cancer EveryGrant® inquiries: Contact

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Conquer Cancer®, the ASCO Foundation, in collaboration with Pfizer Global Medical Grants & Partnerships, has announced grants totaling more than $750,000 to support innovative approaches for addressing inequities and improving the quality of metastatic breast cancer (mBC) patient care in Southeast Asia. These grants will support 12 projects in five countries throughout Southeast Asia, where breast cancer remains the most common type of cancer in women.  

This is the third collaboration between Conquer Cancer and Pfizer utilizing EveryGrant®, an end-to-end grants management service powered by Conquer Cancer. Designed specifically for the cancer community, EveryGrant helps organizations develop and implement grant programs that attract the brightest researchers and make the greatest impact for people with cancer everywhere. The first collaboration, in 2021, supported six research projects to identify disparities in care delivery and treatment outcomes for patients of color with mBC across the United States. The resulting success facilitated future collaboration between the two partners with the same goal of improving patient care on a global scale, including nine grants in Latin America and on-going competition in Sub-Saharan Africa.  

In developing the grant program for Southeast Asia, Pfizer relied on Conquer Cancer’s EveryGrant® for project management. They also partnered with ASCO’s Asia Pacific Regional Council to provide scientific expertise, review, and regional context. "Pfizer is committed to advancing the health and well-being of people living with cancer, especially in regions where access to quality care is limited,” says Dr. Chew Hooi Wong, Senior Director and Regional Medical Lead for Asia Pacific. “We are proud to collaborate with Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundation’s EveryGrant® and ASCO’s Asia Pacific Regional Council on the roll-out of independent quality improvement grants to improve the quality of care and equity of breast cancer management in Southeast Asia region. We believe that the selected projects will bring meaningful improvements to the lives of breast cancer patients and their families.”

Members of the Asia Pacific Region Council were involved in every aspect of the program, from developing the request for proposals (RFP) to promoting the opportunity throughout the region, evaluating the proposals, and selecting the recipients. By working with ASCO’s regional councils, Pfizer ensured that the RFP and the funded projects would accurately reflect the needs of mBC patients in the region. The RFP received more than 60 proposals for the 12 awards.  

“We are thrilled to collaborate with Pfizer through this initiative,” says Dr. Wan Zamaniah Bt Wan Ishak, leader of the council’s review process. “Their generous support has enabled us to advance 12 pivotal projects that address critical regional needs in the APAC region. This partnership will empower us to drive meaningful improvements in cancer care and highlights Pfizer’s commitment to fostering innovative solutions that have a profound and lasting impact on our communities”

Improving Metastatic Breast Cancer (mBC) Patient Quality of Care and Equity Via Meaningful Capacity Building in Southeast Asia Awardees:

Tubagus Djumhana Atmakusuma, MD 
Improving the Competency of Internist Fellow Oncology (IFO) and Certified Internist in Remote Area Hospitals (CIRAH) in Provinces of Indonesia on the Systemic Therapy for Metastatic Breast Cancer through a Six-Month Period of e-Learning in Combination with Direct Supervision

Xuan-Dung Ho, MD 
Hue University Of Medicine and Pharmacy 
Enhancing the Quality of Metastatic Breast Cancer Treatment in Central Vietnam: An Integrated Approach

Martina Sinta Kristanti, PhD 
Universitas Gadjah Mada 
COMMUNICATED (Collaborative cOMMUNIty Care for metastatic breAsT cancEr inDonesia)

Chee Loong Lam, BM/BS 
Universiti Malaya 
Development and Feasibility Assessment of mySAMBA (Screen and Assist Metastatic Breast cAncer), a Mobile Application to Improve Connectedness, Support and Navigation Among Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer in Malaysia

David Dai-Wee Lee, BM/BS 
Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya 
Equitable Access to Clinical Trials Among Breast Cancer Patients in Malaysia

I-Wei Lin, MD 
MacKay Memorial Hospital 
Improving Metastatic Breast Cancer (mBC) Quality of Care via Application (APP) Program on Mobile Phones

Murallitharan Munisamy, MD
National Cancer Society Malaysia

Napa Parinyanitikul, MD  
Thai Society of Clinical Oncology
Development and Validation of eHealth System in Advanced Thai Breast Cancer Women During Breast Cancer Journey

Thanarpan Peerawong, MD  
Prince of Songkla University 
Closing Assessment and Referral Equity in Metastatic Breast Cancer in Thailand (CARE-T)

Rudi Putranto, MD
Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo 
The Development of a Culturally Sensitive Serious Illness Conversation Tool for Indonesian Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients

Siti Binti Rahim, BM/BS 
Universiti Sains Malaysia 
An Exploration of the Impact of Palliative Care Home Visit Service on the Psychological Wellbeing and Quality of Life for Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer and Their Dedicated Caregivers

Hoang Truong Huu, MD 
Central Military Hospital 108 
Improving the Literacy and Quality of Life in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer in Vietnam Via an Integrated Online Intervention with Mobile Application

ASCO’s regional councils guide the application of ASCO programs, products, and services to address barriers to quality cancer care and to support ASCO members in their regions. They also help members get involved in ASCO initiatives and serve as liaisons between ASCO and their national societies. There are currently regional councils in Latin America, Asia Pacific, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Central and Eastern Europe.