Behind the Breakthroughs
The Your Stories Podcast

Hear candid conversations between people conquering cancer — patients, their family and friends, and doctors and researchers working to help us all.

Your Stories
Co-Survivors, Part 2

The keynote speaker and advocacy professional behind the internet moniker “Lady Glaucomflecken” – Kristin Flanary – has been more than a caregiver to Dr. Will Flanary, her spouse and partner-in-comedy “Dr. Glaucomflecken.” She is also his co-survivor. Kristin supported Will through testicular cancer twice and was his lifeline during a sudden cardiac arrest. Being Will’s primary caregiver throughout these traumatic experiences showed Kristin just how challenging life-altering diagnoses can be not only for patients, but also their loved ones.

Two years ago, Kristin joined us on Your Stories alongside Will. In this episode, Kristin takes us on a deeper dive into what happened the night Will went into cardiac arrest and why it matters to support efforts for patient advocacy. From a caregiver perspective and with a background in social psychology, Kristin speaks with host Dr. Mark Lewis about the overlap and differences between conquering cancer and cardiac arrest. She discusses the toll that life-altering diagnoses can take on the caregivers of patients, and ways that healthcare providers can better support and include the loved ones involved.

Kristin Flanary speaking into a microphone at her desk.
Will and Kristin Flanary
Behind the Breakthroughs
Co-Survivors, Part 2
Kristin Flanary, a patient advocate known globally by her social media persona, “Lady Glaucomflecken,” is no stranger to navigating and co-surviving health emergencies. One night in May 2020, her spouse, Dr. Will Flanary, more popularly known as Dr. Glaucomflecken – an ophthalmologist-by-day, internet comedian-by-night, and two-time testicular cancer survivor – entered cardiac arrest in his sleep. Kristin was his lifeline. She called 911 and was tasked with performing CPR until medical help arrived.

This shocking and stressful experience presented the Flanarys with a different set of challenges compared to the turbulence of navigating cancer.

Two years ago, Kristin joined us for a Your Stories episode alongside Will. This time around, Kristin returns to share more insights with host Dr. Mark Lewis on the array of challenges facing caregivers. She also speaks about the necessity of adequately supporting and including not only patients but also their loved ones.

Top image: Kristin speaking
Bottom image: Will and Kristin with red noses
Everything that happens to the patient, is also happening to that patient’s ‘person,’ whoever it is. Some things are happening more to the patient than to the caregiver, but other things are happening more to the caregiver than to the patient.
Kristin Flanary