Behind the Breakthroughs
The Your Stories Podcast

Hear candid conversations between people conquering cancer – patients, their family and friends, and doctors and researchers working to help us all.

Your Stories
Finding a New Voice

A survivor speaks out to help other people conquer larynx cancer. 

Steve Cooper
Behind the Breakthroughs
Speaking Out
To save his life, doctors had to remove his voice box.

Steve Cooper tells Brenda Brody how by helping other people who have been diagnosed with cancer, he found the will to recover – physically and emotionally – from larynx cancer.

Temporarily Silenced  

“Our voice is our personality,” says Steve.  “It’s who we are. We express ourselves in so many ways."  

To his family, Steve is lovingly known for his clever jokes and biting comments. For a while after a surgery to remove his voice box, Steve relied on a white board to communicate. He still managed a few jokes, but “being without a voice is emotionally and psychologically devastating,” says Steve.  

Learning to Talk Again

It took Steve nearly three months after receiving an artificial larynx - an electrolarynx -  to learn to talk again. He describes those days as lonely and isolating, telling Brenda he was not prepared for the time it would take to heal emotionally from larynx cancer. But after receiving an electrolarynx, Steve's voice was restored, and he began using it to help others. 

Helping Others

Now Steve is a mentor to other patients with larynx cancer. He shares his story, leads support groups, and works with doctors to help encourage patients who are fearful about treatment. 

“We find that in helping others, we actually help ourselves,” says Steve.  "We are all in this together."


The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. The podcast is provided on the understanding that it does not constitute medical or other professional advice or services. It is no substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional and is not intended for use in the diagnosis or treatment of individual conditions. Guests who speak in a podcast express their own opinions, experience and conclusions. Neither Conquer Cancer, the ASCO Foundations, nor any of its affiliates endorses, supports or opposes any particular treatment option or other matter discussed in a podcast. The mention of any product, service, organization, activity, or therapy on a podcast should not be construed as an endorsement. View disclosures for Steve Cooper.  
We find that in helping others, we actually help ourselves.
Steve Cooper